Founded in 2006 to deliver unbiased consulting support to public sector transportation clients.
Amazing clients have allowed us to produce work we are proud of.

Featured Project: Creation of a Guidance Document for MAP Preparation
Athey Creek Consultants led a project for the Connected Vehicle Pooled Fund Study (PFS) to provide guidance on the creation of MAP messages (intersection geometry) to be used with corresponding Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) messages for non-automated intersection approach and violation applications. The need driving this project was for connected vehicle applications to have consistent MAP messages using the available standards. The guidance was developed based on research, reviews of technical resources, and interviews with transportation agencies that have created MAP messages. Use of the MAP Guidance Document and successfully completing each step identified will help to ensure consistency across agencies. Athey Creek is also supporting a second phase of this effort that was focused on interactions with SAE to represent the PFS members needs in the new Mapping Task Force actions to develop a new MAP standard and update the MAP Guidance Document developed in the first phase. Tasks performed included:
Technical Resource Reviews
Who we’ve worked with.
State Departments of Transportation
Federal Agencies
Transit Companies
National Transportation Associations